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Author: Phyllis Rosenfeld, Los Osos, CA


May 4, 2020

Month 3 of COVID-19

As the days steam away through the mists of the fog, my brain opens a creaky door closed for too long. Feelings begin leaking out.

I’ve been up since 4 am. Now the sun is pushing its way past the mountains splashing puddles of soft gold through the windows.

The oak trees outside begin to stir and leaves flutter as tiny creatures feel the warmth and stretch to welcome the hug from the sun.

The dishwasher behind me waits like a lover hoping to be filled with porcelain and metal bones of the latest cooking experiment.

It matters not. At the small table beside the kitchen window and bathed in the golden glow, I fall heart first into contentment.

For this precious moment.

I sit.

Feeling Present.

Feeling Peace.

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